Saturday, August 25, 2012

2. bid wars

if you've tried bidding for stuff on ebay, you know how it feels.

you're the highest bidder with a minute & a half remaining.
the current bid is a few good bids below your max bid.

30 seconds to go.
still at the top.

you're the boss.

then, out of nowhere,
someone pulls the rug from under you.

you've been outbid!

there's ten seconds on the clock.

armed with the one-click bid, you retaliate.

7 seconds.

still outbid.

5 seconds.

nothing. *cue crickets*
meme from

well... maybe another item, another time.
i hope that's not the story of your life...
p.s. despite the occasional heartbreaking moments, i still love buying stuff off ebay. how about you?